
Lisa came to see me after coming off the oral contraceptive pill, and was presenting with acne and eczema.

She’d had eczema all of her life and found it more aggravated around winter time each year, though the flare she was experiencing when she booked in with me was the worst it had ever been. The eczema was in all the classical places; elbow and knee ditches, neck, legs and arms.

After being on the pill for many years, Lisa was 8 months’ post-pill when we started working together, and was experiencing acne on the back, chest, lower cheek/jawline and chin presenting in the form of inflammatory papules and pustules.

Post-pill, I always assess hormones to see if there is estrogen dominance. Through salivary testing of estrogen metabolites, we found there was indeed estrogen dominance occurring.

Blood work also showed zinc deficiency, which was not surprising given that Lisa is a vegetarian and was unaware of the relationship between phytic acid and zinc malabsorption.

We had one month to wait between our first consult and being able to start her prescription as we were waiting on hormone pathology. In this month, I introduced my E/FA Pure to support omega-3 levels and assist reduction of inflammation and immunoglobulin E (which is high in those with atopic presentations). In just this month with the E/FA Pure support, Lisa noticed a significant improvement in both her acne and eczema.

Working with personalised herbs and nutrients, I supported blood purification (with alterative and lymphatic herbs), liver detoxification pathways, estrogen clearance and immune modulation.

We also worked through education around food to ensure Lisa was eating enough protein and was optimising the mineral content of plant-based foods by soaking to reduce phytic acid content. We also removed soy, which is a common allergen, and was a big part of Lisa’s diet.

Lisa achieved clear skin within 6 months of active treatment, though major changes were noted in the first month of the process. I outlined all the things she needed to know to maintain these positive changes in her Review Consultation, where we rechecked abnormal markers in blood to ensure they had normalised. She has continued with the Skin Essentials Bundle for everyday skin support, and at our check in 4 months after completing treatment, she has maintained clear skin and is feeling better than ever.

Remember, what works for one person may not work for you. The key to success in achieving clear skin from within is finding your unique internal drivers, treating them, and learning to manage them in the long-term. These are the results that can be seen when we do the internal work.

Let your beauty shine.


Em (Naturopath, Founder, Skin-thusiast)