The weather is changing, and so should your skincare routine!

Say goodbye to your winter woollies and hello to some Spring sunshine, because Spring is back, baby!

Spring is traditionally known as a time for rebirth and new beginnings – think of those gorgeous baby lambs and fluffy ducklings, and brilliant flower blooms you see come September. And it’s no different for your skin – your corneocytes (aka your skin cells) are in a constant state of renewal, so when it’s time to shed those winter layers, it’s time for your spring skin to shine.

First things first – skin care.

We always recommend switching your skin care routine up with the seasons, as your products should change in response to your skin and the environment.

With spring, the focus is on less occlusive, thicker products, moving towards lighter yet moisturising options. Sebum levels reduce as the weather warms up, so if you’re someone with combination or dry skin types, you’ll feel a little less flakey. A gentle reminder for those with combination skin who are using items targeted to acne or blemishes; these ingredients may be a little harsh for your fluctuating skin type during Spring. Make sure your skin doesn’t feel tight or itchy after cleansing; this is a sign of the barrier being stripped a little too heavily.

I have combination type skin, and I use my Cream Cleanser in the cooler months, then switch to my Antioxidant Gel Cleanser as my skin starts to feel less dry. If you didn’t see on my Instagram, I recently turned 30, so I’m all about antioxidant ingredients in my day to day routine!

I also find Spring a wonderful time to add in my vitamin C support, once again to boost antioxidants and help to protect my cells against free radical damage and pollutants as I spend more time outdoors.

Exfoliating is a beauty essential to achieve glowing skin year-round for those who have issues with hyperkeratinisation - and this might be a nice addition for those of you with combination or dry skin types to get rid of those dry winter layers.

Always go gently girl – with exfoliation, less is more! For acne-prone skin I recommend a gentle exfolliant around once a week; for dry and combination skin, once a fortnight is enough in my opinion. Remember, the skin has natural exfoliating action when it’s working properly, and we don’t want to create sensitivity by degrading the skin barrier with constant exfoliation or harsh exfoliants.

Next, it’s time to talk nutrition. Because there’s no spring glow without good quality produce and hydration. If you want glowing skin, there are a few key principles to follow.

Firstly, we need to look after our corneocytes, which are vital to healthy skin as they form the important lipid bilayer. Essential Fatty Acids (aka EFAs) are critical here, as they help corneocytes function properly, whilst reducing excess skin shedding, and helping prevent trans-epidermal water loss. You’ll find EFAs in oily fish, or via supplementation such as our E/FA Pure.

Fibre from organic fruit and vegetables, nuts and wholegrains are important to keep your bowels regular. We want toxins eliminated from the body, for a clear, glowing complexion. And of course, we need hydration. This not only helps with the elimination process but also helps plump up corneocytes. In winter, it’s normal to drink less water as our thirst decreases, but pay attention to ensure you’re upping your water levels with the weather change; it’s one of the most fundamental things to do for your health overall, but especially for your skin.

Herbal teas or filtered water infused with lemon or lime are hydrating and nourishing for your skin – that’s a two-in-one skin win!

And of course, sun protection is vital when the weather heats up. Striking the balance between getting

enough Vitamin D on our skin yet protecting it from the harsh midday sun is vital. Clean, physical sunscreens are our pick, which use ingredients such as zinc oxide to physically block the sun’s rays, instead of chemical sunscreens which employ toxic ingredients to absorb the UV rays inside our bodies.

In essence, what we put on our skin matters, but what is happening internally matters just as much. Clear glowing skin is bi-directional - healthy, plump cells result in healthy, glowing skin. If you would like support getting your skin ready for Spring, or are feeling lost with what to use on your skin from all the overwhelming options out there, book a Skin Care Consultation with me so we can find a barrier-friendly solution together.

Much love,

Em (Founder, Naturopath, Skin-thusiast)