The Top 3 Mistakes In Trying To Clear Your Skin

Problem skin? You don’t need to go it alone.

And, to cut a long story short, the biggest mistakes I see in my patient’s history is just that; trying to do it alone.

So you’ve got acne or eczema and you’ve tried everything.under.the.sun. Yep, I hear you. This is a common phrase I hear in clinic.

But I’m here to tell you that you don’t have it go it alone. And in fact, you shouldn’t go it alone. Self-prescribing supplements, herbs and even skincare can very quickly lead you down a long and winding rabbit hole, with the destination unknown.

Here are my top 3 reasons why you should always work with a health professional when it comes to your skin.



The skin is more than skin-deep. It's our largest sensory organ, and it's so beautifully complex when we understand its deeper levels of health and function. But the flip side of this is that when something goes wrong, it can be incredibly frustrating trying to work out what is happening.

But it doesn’t have to be. Because when you find a health professional that truly knows what they’re doing in the skin health arena, it takes the guesswork away. Think about it – just SOME of the common drivers of skin complaints include hormones, diet, gut, stress, detoxification, medication, lifestyle habits…and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Don’t worry if you don’t know your antimicrobial peptides from your androstenedione – we do. We are trained to understand potential herb-drug interactions, read your blood chemistry and so much more. And if you’re still not sure, take advantage of our FREE 20 minute Discovery Call where you can ask me questions and see if we’re the right fit before embarking on your health journey.



It’s expensive. A face cream here, a skin program there…over time your outlay can easily creep into the hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. That’s why we suggest talking to a skin expert up front. Sure, testing and consultations do incur a cost, but isn’t it better to get the answers immediately and treat the root cause of the problem, versus digging around in the dark, hoping that this time it works out?



Self-prescribing can be dangerous. Do you know that eating something as innocuous as grapefruit with certain medications can be life-threatening? There is a misconception that natural medicine is risk-free, but that’s not the case.

As Naturopaths, we are trained extensively in herb-drug interactions, because when you throw another medication into the mix – natural or otherwise – it can cause unwanted side-effects or make you sick. Plus back to point two – why waste your money on supplements that you might not even need?

Trust us when we say that you should always talk to an expert when it comes to supplementing. Your skin (and bank balance!) will thank you for it.

I know that when we can understand the unique drivers of each person's problem skin, we can work from the inside to heal the outside. In my experience, knowledge is power, and allows us to make informed decisions about our own health and wellness. 

Any questions? Reach out – I’d love to hear from you!